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Letter from Tadeusz Kotarbiński written 07.02.1966


Warsaw 1, 7/2/1966

ul. Karowa 14/16 apt. 18, tel.: 26-57-33, 26-87-33



Most Honourable Professor,

            In fulfilment of an assignment from the Secretary of W I[O1] , Prof. Stefan Żółkiewski, I request your participation in a council of members of the Polish Academy of Sciences, philosophers, and educators, which is needed for joint orientation concerning the possible sequence of philosophical and pedagogical candidates for membership in PAS. The meeting will take place on the 12th of this month at 12 noon in my office in Pałac Staszica (room no. 160).

With courteous greetings and expressions of high respect




[O1]???  Nie U W [?]