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Postcard from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 14.02.1949


Dear most esteemed Professor,

On Friday, the 18th of this month, I’ll be in Cracow from the morning on and will give you the code orally, because I have the papers in the Editorial Office in Cracow, and I don’t know it by heart.

Anyway, I would like to discuss this with you beforehand. – I’ll be in Cracow for two weeks. Will the lectures at the Commission take place? Did our colleague Czesław and Ms Kokoszyńska write to you regarding this matter? I still have more applications. – Meanwhile, cordial greetings

W. Tatarkiewicz



[Post card]

The Most Honourable Prof. Dr
Roman Ingarden
Biskupia st 14 apt. 15

[postmarked] 16.2.49