Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 15.05.1963
Dear Władysław,
in replying to your last letter, I’m letting you know that I’ve decided to hold the General Assembly on 25 May. Further postponement until September seems impossible to me. The General Assembly should have been held last year in September; I can’t function [O1] for two years while being authorised to perform duties for one. Anyway, it’s not out of the question that I’ll actually leave in September, because it seems like I’m going to make some kind of trip out into the world. Whether it’ll come off, I don’t know, but I prefer not to schedule a meeting for this time.
In any case, the General Assembly of the Section, to which all members of the section will, of course, be invited, will be held 25 May, in Cracow, because the vast majority of members live in Cracow and it’d be very expensive if the Section had to reimburse all Cracow members for the expenses of travelling to Warsaw. The section de facto has no funds; it functions on the money of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Philosophical Society. Despite promises, the Section has not been awarded any money. We’re going to talk about that at the General Assembly.
If you wouldn’t mind giving a lecture prior to the General Assembly, I’d be very grateful to you, but please send a telegram giving the title. If not, and if Morawski doesn’t want to deliver anything, we’ll do only one lecture with our own Cracow forces. But I’m depending on you in any case to be so good as to come, in which case a lecture seems to me indispensable. Please respond in the affirmative.
I’d be grateful if you wouldn’t mind telephoning Morawski about the General Assembly and asking him to send us a list of Warsaw members of the Aesthetic Section as soon as possible, and, at the same time, a list of the lectures that have been given within the framework of the Section in Warsaw since the previous General Assembly.
Is Prof. Guy coming for one lecture and one day to Cracow or for two days? Please send a response in return, because in that case I’ll have to communicate with Czerny as soon as possible.
Cordial greetings
Your Roman
In Cracow, 15 May 1963.
Wędkiewicz reportedly developed paralysis of the bowels on top of sclerosis of the bowels and some kind of flu.
[O1]Oryg: fungować, chyba funkcjonować