Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 10.06.1961
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 10 June 1961
Dear Władysław,
I received your letter yesterday, but am able to write back only today, because I had to make sure that there would be no meeting of the faculty Council here at which I’d have had to be present. This has now been confirmed for me, and thus, if necessary, I can travel to Warsaw on the 16th; however, I’d ask for some kind of official notice. In that case I’d take the morning train at 9.34 (5.05 from Cracow), so that the meeting could be held around 10.30, or, obviously, in the afternoon.
The last time I was in Warsaw, I was there for only a few hours, at a meeting of the Philosophical Committee; I left almost directly afterwards by the afternoon train; otherwise I’d’ve been able to return to Cracow only at 1.14 am, which, given the necessity of getting up at 4 am to catch the morning Warsaw train, is very tiring. I myself greatly regretted not being able to see you; I expected that you might be at the meeting of the Committee, but apparently you’re still trying to spare your leg.
From Cracow, for the Section Board, it’s a question of either Szuman and Gałecki or Gałecki and Gołaszewska; as for who might be secretary, from Warsaw, I think you and Morawski; other than that, maybe Wallis, as he’s more mobile than Elzenberg and closer to Cracow, if the headquarters of the Board is supposed to be here.
I’ve finished my lectures but still have many papers to read, to the point that I can’t get to my own work. In July we’ll be in Rabka. I’ll tell you the rest in person.
Cordial greetings and my best regards to your wife
Your Roman