
Letter from Tadeusz Kotarbiński written 09.11.1947

Łódź, 9/11/1947

Most honoured professor!

                On my wife’s behalf and my own, I’d like to thank both of you for the wishes you sent us on the occasion of our wedding. It was very nice to receive words of friendly encouragement from a couple enjoying such a good marriage as yours.

                Thank you kindly for ‘Sketches on the philosophy of literature’. I envy you the ability to devote a considerable number of hours to writing philosophical things. But even if I had such an objective ability (currently I’m working in the office round the clock), I wouldn’t be able to endure this degree of writing effort. As a methodologist, I’m interested in your method of working: night or day? at fixed or random times? writing after detailed consideration, or shaping the details during the writing? with stimulants (nicotine, caffeine …) or without, etc. When I see you, I’ll ask you for a lecture.

                As to the trip to the meeting of the full translations Committee – in principle, I’m ready for it. I would likewise be ready to give a lecture at the Crac. Philosophical Soc. (perhaps on the subject ‘Technical qualities of activity’) But as to the date, an agreement would have to be reached fairly soon – with some notice (e.g. for about a week prior to the proposed date I would have to receive a request regarding the possibility), because I’m under constant fire from different deadlines; what’s more, Warsaw, too, is threatening me with some conferences. I’d be grateful for the return of the costs of travel in the event of a meeting of the Committee. However, I’m not expecting any fee for a lecture at the Crac. Philosophical Soc. Just the opportunity to make contact in this way with your circle is an important and sufficient attraction for me.

                And what’s going on with the publication of Studia Philosophica?

                I attach best regards and expressions of profound respect –
