
Appointment written 03.08.1921

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Date of creation 3.08.1921
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BOARD OF THE                c                                             c                      Toruń, 3 August 1921

L.dz. [file no.] 5574/21      c        c  To

Dr Roman Ingarden
    c    in Ciechocinek (bathing establishment)

    c    I hereby appoint you, as of 1 August of this year, as a teacher at the state middle school in Toruń with salary and entitlements pursuant to the Act of 13/7/20 and ordinances issued in connection with this Act.
    c    Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and report to the Headmaster at the appropriate time to commence service.


Headmaster’s office of the state middle school
in Toruń
for informational purposes.
On behalf of the Superintendent