Letter from Anna Teresa Tymieniecka written 20.08.1966
Dear Professor,
c Thank you very much for the postcard that Henk read to me on the phone in a hilarious way since I and the children have at our farm in Vermont since June. Unfortunately, instead of “basking” in the leisure of the countryside I have to put my efforts into work. I am just finishing the third essay this summer; 2 have already gone on to print. One is a 30-page review of German and English phenomenological literature (5 books, including your “Time XXX.”), for “Philosophische Rundschau” and the other one in German: “Dem Wendepunkt der Phänomenologie entgegen”. The editor suggested that I present my views on this occasion, which I did, and although i did so in a very discreet form, they are so radically opposed to the current views of the phenomenologists of the older generation that I am afraid that they will not release it. [This happened in your case with the encyclopedia. First they accepted it and now they will not print – the only ones allowed to rule the scene here are Lebenswelt Merlau-Ponty and Heideggerists!! Although I have more and more readers and correspondents.]
c As for Guggenheim, it looks as follows: I will be applying to this foundation, for a year in Europe, at the end of September 1966. I still do not know what this scholarship Professor is so kindly offering me is all about. It is probably based upon the same principle anyway, so I would be very grateful if you could to introduce me if you were there too? Cordial regards for the both both of you as well as your son and daughter-in-law. – Teresa
c I will be in Europe 1-20 November for lectures. Maybe I will be able to see you. I sent Professor my the cosmologically-creationist treatise “Why is there something rather than nothing” – is has aroused great interest.
c Life here is like “before the war”. Among forests and fields. We have 2 horses and a foal we have raised ourselves.