Letter from Bogdan Suchodolski written in 05.09.1945
Dear Roman,
I owe you replies to two letters – forgive me for this, but I left Warsaw for 3 weeks and only received them recently. Subsequently I couldn’t manage to get to the Ministry, and wanted to give you news right away concerning matters that interest you.
c And so: as for your chair, Dr Arnold told me that the Ministry deals quickly and favourably with applications for chairs for which there are already full-time candidates. In that case, the matter doesn’t require the consent of the Treasury. For this reason, your matter is clear as well. Some delay will arise, however – as he told me – probably due to the intended division of the philosophy department into two departments and, in this connection, a reorganisation of the chairs of philosophy, in the sense of assigning them to each of the departments. They’d like to combine all matters concerning the new chairs with the division of the department. Being on the spot, you know better how the matter stands there; whenever you want more news, write and they’ll immediately provide you with it – but always give me the exact date of the Rectorate’s letter 47 to the Ministry – it’s easier to push then.
c In the case of Studies [Studia Philosophica], I spoke with Seblewicz. There’d be no obstacle to the payment of the allowance, which you’ll receive directly as editor – at the moment there are no appropriations for this. As for my article, I’ll consider it after a review of the manuscript, but in any case I’ll be able to comply with your wish as editor. I’ll let you know more specifically soon.
c I’ve seen Mr Augustowski; due to his age and lack of formal qualifications it will be difficult to help him. I’m going to try.
c Next, I have a request for you. As you know my books (and shelves) are in Jagiellonka [the Jagiellonian University library]. Heretofore I haven’t been able to bring them here, due to the exorbitant cost. They’re advising me here to ask Mr Białoń (Jagiellonian University secretary) to send a truck to Warsaw (usually the postal service comes here for goods from here) to order these things of mine to be loaded and delivered either directly to me (Promenada 21, apt. 4) or at least to the University, where the Cracow autos are garaged. Our dean wrote to Mr B. about this, but of course it’d be better if you were to graciously visit him and encourage him to comply with this request. Of course, I would take some compensation for these people – the driver – upon myself.
I enclose greetings and kisses