Letter from Henryk Markiewicz written 24.02.1964
Cracow, 24/2.
Most Honoured Professor,
v I’m very sorry that you read my defence in this manner, because I truly feel neither wounded nor offended by the content or tone of your statements (certain accents in my reply which – as I see now – could create such an impression will be deleted at the proof stage). Please believe me: just the fact that you wished to call attention to my review and to undertake such a fundamental polemic against it is something I feel as an honourable distinction.
v I’m concerned only with your so very pessimistic evaluation of the public utility of this discussion. Since you don’t wish to continue it, I won’t insist, though, to be honest, I’d prefer, if only with a few sentences from you, to finish it.
v Soon (because I’m a bit ill at the moment) I’ll take advantage of your kindness and will take the liberty of asking you for one more conversation on these topics. Meanwhile – please graciously send the proofs to Wrocław,
v and I enclose expressions of the most profound respect, ever-lively admiration, and academic gratitude
Henryk Markiewicz