
Letter from Irena Krońska written in 04.04.1955

  v     v         EDITORIAL COMMITTEE                    v                          v     Warsaw, April 4, 1955
  v            v              at the
         National Scientific Publishers PWN

Prof. Roman Ingarden

L.dz.125/LCP/54                                                         Krakow
                    v                                              v              Biskupia St. 14 apt. 15


  v                          Dear and Honorable Professor,

  v                          I have not written you for so long because I absolutely, unequivocally do not have the time. I am glad that everyone is happy that the entire Critique will be printed with leading. I am also sending you back Kemp Smith’s translation.

  v                          Please share with me even just your first impressions after reading Burman. It seems to me that, at the end of April or the beginning of May, it will be necessary to arrange a meeting, maybe not so much a meeting of the entire Committee, but at least one more conference on Cartesian topics /with professor Dąmbska, Świeżawski, Ajdukiewicz, Tatarkiewicz, Legowicz and Kołakowski/, to talk about some terminological issues and the form of publication of Meditations with all these additions.

  v                          I am going to Obory for four days to finish Fichte, I will be back for Easter.

My deepest respect
and most cordial greetings

Irena Krońska
  v          v    I Krońska
  v    Secretary

I wish you a happy Easter. IK