Letter from Konstanty Michalski written 20.12.1937
Krakow, 12/20/1937
n Dear Sir,
I am writing back immediately as to dispel doubts before my leave. I want to cooperate with Fr. Salamuchą, because he already has a habilitation degree and Fr. Bocheński does not possess one yet, and hence I would have to go through big difficulties with various opponents twice instead of just once. Fr. Salamucha is kind, talented and resourceful, so I think this cooperation will be very profitable. In any case, he will bring something new to the Department, and it would be very bad if there were nobody proficient in mathematical logic in theology, because the accusation of ignorance would keep coming up. So I am asking you to move Fr. S. to the first place in the considerations. On Saturday I will be leaving for the province for a few days and on the 29 I want to go to Munich to talk to Grabmann. I will only be back on the 9th or the 10th of January.
n It seems to me that the history of philosophy of the 15th century can only be written here the way I tried to do it in my Warsaw lecture, and in the summary before that. Much was written on it in other places. I will report more on this to you in detail and indicate all possibilities it presents on anther occasion.
n If you visit Krakow around February, March, please let me know, because you could give a lecture in Rabka. I will pay for the Krakow-Rabka trip and will add 50 zlotys. I had a lecture there last week. The audience is very nice.
n I am writing a Christmas article, so I have to be concise, because I’m in a hurry.
n I send you my best Christmas and holiday wishes and all the best for you and Honorable Madam, as well as the young generation –
Fr. K. Michalski