Letter from Irena Krońska written in 08.06.1954
c EDITORIAL COMMITTEE c Warsaw, 6/8/1954
c c Warsaw
c Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 79
c c c c c c c Honorable
c c c c c c c Prof. Roman Ingarden
L.dz.250/LCP/54 c c c c c c Krakow
c c c c c c c c Biskupia St. 14 apt.15
c Dear and Honorable Professor,
c I have communicated with Sowiński, and in the meantime I also got an official letter from the State Publishing Institute PIW. I think that we will discuss at the Committee whether we should to “renounce” Laokoon to PIW. What do you think about it?
c Regarding the work on translation – maybe can talk on the 16th. This matter is managed by Mianowska, PhD, head of the department of Polish philology at PWN, and the idea and concept also come from her.
c I have a request for Professor. The University Library lost a copy of Conversation with Burman which we need for editorial work. As far as I know you own a copy. Could you lend it to us and bring it to the committee meeting?
Cordial regards
Irena Krońska
x I Krońska