Letter from Irena Krońska written in 12.06.1946
Paris, le 12 Juin 1946.
Dear Professor,
c it was only a few days ago that I received a letter about Professor and your address, which I hope is correct, the roundabout route through London.
c So I am writing immediately and will be awaiting an Professor’s answer.
c I am currently (only recently) in Paris where I would like to finish my studies. I expect my husband here in the next few days.
c Before, i.e. since libération, me and my husband have been in the English zone on XXX
c XXX here with phenomenologists. I will write everything in detail after I receive a reply from Professor, which will confirm that the address I have is correct, so please let me know.
c In Paris I am staying with my brother who will soon graduates here at the Sorbonne. My address:
Mmc I. Kronska,
c chez. M. Casimir Krzemicki,
c c 5, rue de Poitiers,
c c c Paris VIIe
c c c France.
c Awaiting news about Professor, your family, and our mutual friends,
c My deepest respect and friendly regards
Irena Krońska