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Letter from Irena Krońska written in 22.04.1947

Date of creation 22.04.1947
Related places Paris
Reference code in archive K_III-26_D_38
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Field philosophy

                    c                                      c                                                  c      Paris, 4/22/1947


Honorable and Dear Professor!

    c    I received Professor’s paper yesterday. After reading it I have the impression that a few references and a quotation might be worth changing in the French edition, e.g. I do not know whether in the French version one should refer to Łempicki’s article in XXX XXX and whether it would not be better to replace Zagłoba and Norwid with names from popular literature. – I will translate it as it is, but I will eagerly wait for the Professor’s reply.
    c    I sent a longer letter a few days ago.
    c        c        c    My deepest respect and friendly regards

 Irena Krońska