Letter from Irena Sławińska 4/7/1950
Most Honourable Professor,
I hope you have received the book by Wellek and Warren, sent from Toruń – as I was leaving, I asked for it to be sent.
As to the your completely valid comments about my review – there is nothing I can say to justify myself. I have known both of your books for a long time[O1] , I’ve made extensive use of them, I’m familiar with their character, and therefore I have no idea how to explain my unfortunate errors. I would like very much to correct them and I’m going to ask Prof. Czeżowski in what form it might be possible to do that.
Meanwhile I apologise most emphatically and send expressions of highest respect
Irena Sławińska
Warsaw, 7/4/50
[O1]Oryginalna wersja: oddawana, przypuszczalnie od dawna