Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 09.08.1922
Toruń 9/8/1922
Most Honourable Professor!
In the enclosure, I’m sending the promised review of Chwistek’s book Wielość rzeczywistości [The Plurality of Realities], and I’m very sorry that this whole matter’s been delayed so long; however, the original text grew on me to the point that I sent it to Philosophical Review, whereas for [Philosophical] Movement I had to write something else. In this way, both of my reviews of this book will eventually come out. Maybe that’s too much, but it’s already been done. In any case, with the exception of the summary in both reviews, they deal with completely different matters, so there are no repetitions, only supplementation. If you judge that the review I’ve sent is at the level required for Movement, I’d be very grateful for its publication.
I couldn’t send the review earlier, because I had something else to deal with. I’m currently working on the identity of the subject. One chapter is completely ready. Currently, after skimming through assorted philosophers, I’m proceeding to report and criticise the views of others on this issue. Only then comes the positive part. Unfortunately, the end of the summer holiday isn’t far off ‒ and then school will take up half of my time. Too bad.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem
Roman Ingarden