Letter to Tadeusz Czeżowski written 17.08.1969
Professor Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14
Cracow, 17 August 1969
The Most Honourable Professor
Dr Tadeusz Czeżowski
Editor, Philosophical Movement
Toruń, Warszawska 20
Dear Tadeusz,
in the attachment I’m sending you an article about the Enciclopedia Filosophica[O1] , or rather about only its first five volumes. I’m sending you this because I was given to understand by the editors of the Encyclopedia that they want my article to appear without waiting for the whole thing. In fact, in April, you too were of the opinion that information should be provided after the publication of several volumes. In this regard, it’s important to me that this review should be published in the next issue of Movement, insofar as possible. At the same time I’m sending a copy of the article to Professor Giacon, who is the editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia.
I recently received from Toruń ‒ from the Scientific Society ‒ a copy of your book containing your lectures. I’m guessing that this copy was sent thanks to your initiative and therefore I’d like to express my cordial thanks for this precious gift.
This time I spent my vacation mainly in Poronin. Now I’d like to just stay in Cracow. At the beginning of September, I intend to go to the fourth international colloquium of phenomenology and the annual convention of the Institute of Philosophy (Paris), but I don’t know if I’ll get a passport, leaving the matter under a question mark.
My health is generally good and I keep myself in shape after a fashion, even though on 1 July my wife and I celebrated our so-called ‘golden wedding anniversary’.
Cordial greetings from your
[O1]Taka pisownia w wersji polskiej. Powinna być Enciclopedia Filosofica