Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 27.06.1969
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 27 June 1969
Dear Władysław,
I found out only yesterday that you’d already returned to Poland, so I’m hastening to send you my most cordial wishes for your name day, above all for health and continued academic success. I regret that these wishes will arrive late, but you’re probably not in Warsaw anyway.
I was in Warsaw for a few hours the day before yesterday to take care of some business matters. Among other places, I was at Polish Scientific Publishers, where I talked with Ms Petschowa [O1] about Library of Classics of Philosophy business. Among other things, I proposed that Iza Dąmbska should write the introduction to The Discourse on the Method [O2] , which was accepted. Unfortunately, yesterday Iza refused to do it, claiming that they hadn’t dealt with her properly in the matter of the introduction to Sextus. Maybe you can manage to persuade her?
I also wrote to Klibański about this matter of hers.
Are you going to Heidelberg and/or to Schwäbisch Hall? I have no great desire for either one or the other; nevertheless, I applied to the Polish Academy of Sciences for a passport the day before yesterday. They weren’t able to tell me there whether you were going. From the Institute, they keep sending me various letters concerning help for our foreign colleagues. It’d be better if they didn’t, because we can’t do anything anyway, and we’re getting these letters here unnecessarily.
I assume you had a good time abroad, and now I can only wish you a good rest and good weather.
Best regards to your wife and cordial greetings for yourself
/signature/ Roman Ingarden
[O1]Tak w oryginalnej wersji, ale może Ms Petsch (tj. Żona Petscha)
[O2]Też znany w j. angielskim jako Discourse on Method