
Letter from Konstanty Michalski written 02.05.1943 or 1944


       n      Dear Sir,

 n  I have just received the postcard, which I was very happy about, because I expect that I will finally be able to communicate.
 n  I sent two letters to Lviv, both were returned with a note: Zurich, Z.Z. niebestellbar. I wrote the first one immediately after I received XXX the third letter where I was asked to give you a sign of life and I did so immediately but it failed toreach you. I kept both subsequent letters to one day deliver them to you personally as a memento.
 n  I am not surprised that you are making preparations for the future, and especially that you are trying to preserve your manuscripts. I am hopeful that it will turn out to be better than the current reality seems to indicate, but we must protect life: terrible things can be heard about Ukrainian doings in the east.
 n  There were various changes in managerial positions of the Liegenschaft board, it seemed at times that everything would have to be shut down, and yet XXX still remains at their post. Same as in the distant and near vicinity, armed visits were made here, not causing personal harm only to private individuals – it is upsetting situation which makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep, as you never know what may come.
 n  My working conditions have significantly deteriorated, as I now have nobody to help me read, so my eyesight has gotten worse and I have to be careful not to bring about the ultimate catastrophe. I already always have to think up three Sunday sermons and wear out my eyes with that, and what is left of it gets entirely exhausted with academic readings – what misery!
 n  About two weeks ago I met Mr. Saski from Pacanów at a funeral. I asked about you, because I could not manage to get in touch. He was informed that you have stored part of your library in Krakow. That calmed me considerably, because I understood that the security of the manuscripts would be ensured in the first place.
 n  I am currently writing about heroism, in intervals. It is difficult to get your hands on books in this remote area. For half a year now I have been trying to borrow Carlyle’s Hero worship; at last the book came from Krakow, sent to me from Warsaw thanks to Mr. Grel’s efforts: I am quite sure it travelled to Krakow through the Alps.
 n  I hope you take care as you have up until now. People are shooting but God is carrying the bullets. Qui vivra verra – and I am sure it will be very happy. I wish you a peaceful, safe corner and the means for intellectual work for better times.


Sincerely Yours
 n   n  FrMichalski