
Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 12.12.1936

12.XII 1936
Honoured and Dear Professor:
Thank you very much for the letter.  I did not reply, because I was terribly busy, and unfortunately with age I have less and less strength and I cannot live for three like Lt. Wiwulec.  I was v[ery] moved that you are interested in my depression.  There was a 5 month separation with a certain person, who interests me (in real life) above all else.  Now there is a reconciliation,  but something in my gut is not right.  Besides this, I do not want to stop working on philosophy, and to do this portraits and people are necessary.

The lecture in itself  was successful, but in the discussion I was a bit flaccid.  It was only yesterday that it ended in a tighter circle at Kotarbeusz’s place.  I am writing about being for itself, a response to Metallman on his critique of Whitehead. – I will now start correcting my  work on Wittgenstein.  I wrote a summary of the lecture in response to Twardowski’s request, which was a  privilege for me, and I am sending it to him right now.

I enclose my words of respect and affection to both of you.  F. G. [family greetings]

I am just finishing Transc[endental] Log[ic], but I am v[ery]  disappointed by Husserl.  With these other personalities and the intersubjective world this is a trick, which implies pre-est[ablished] harmony.