Letter from Stefan Żółkiewski written in 04.06.1966
Prof. Dr STEFAN ŻÓŁKIEWSKI c c c Warsaw, 4/6/1966
c Most Honoured Professor!
c I thank you very, very cordially for such a courteous, comprehensive, and quick response. I believe that with this information, I’ll manage. I’ll simply provide German equivalents in brackets.
c My article doesn’t actually concern the structure of a work, but the rules of structural analysis generally, especially the problem of the relationship of meaning and expression. This is only a very limited attempt to order concepts relative to one another: structure – system – model.
c I cordially sympathise with you concerning your illness. Of course, when you appear, we’ll arrange matters concerning the trip.
c There continue to be stupid misunderstandings concerning stays in the Federal Republic of Germany [West Germany]. One of my young students taught aesthetics there for nearly six months, because the history of twentieth-century dramatic art aroused the great joy of all official factors. And nobody ever knows what will bring joy and what will provoke a ban.
I enclose expressions of profound respect and wishes for a swift return to health
S Żółkiewski