Letter from Stefan Żółkiewski written in 28.12.1967
Prof. Dr STEFAN ŻÓŁKIEWSKI v v Warsaw, 28/12/1967
v v Most Honoured Professor!
v Thank you very much for your postcard of 2/12/67 from Cracow. I recently returned from Paris and thus am replying to it only now. Thank you very much for the article and letters from Oslo, which reached me; I’ve attempted to settle the matters raised in the letters. My letter, containing thanks and a request to meet the deadline, concerned your submission of a topic to the Semiotic Congress, which, as you know, is to take place at the end of August ’68 in Warsaw. Let me remind you that you announced, via a letter sent from Rabka on 20 July 67, a topic entitled ‘On the expediency of generalising the concept of the sign’. In setting up the programme of our Congress, which we’ll soon have to send to its participants, we thought that we’d be able to place your appearance in the programme of the first Plenary Session (the first morning of the Congress). We’ll be able to publish your text only if we receive it prior to 1 April 1968. Therefore, I request information as to whether we can count on your text.
v I enclose cordial New Year’s wishes.
v v Anticipating your gracious reply, I enclose expressions of genuine
v v respect
S Żółkiewski
Prof. Dr Stefan Żółkiewski