
Letter from Tadeusz Kotarbiński written 21.03.1968



Palace of Culture and Science

16th floor, room 1623. ———- tel. 30-01, ext. 25-56

Warsaw 21 March 1968


Prof. Dr Roman INGARDEN



Most Honourable Professor!

            I would like to inform you that the General Assembly of the members of the Polish Philosophical Society, at its meeting on 16 March 1968, regretfully acceded to your request to be excused from continuing to fulfil your responsibilities as a member of the Main Board.

             Your fulfilment of the function of Board member was for many years a great help in the Board’s work and contributed in great measure to the attainment of better results in its activities.

            I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your great contribution of knowledge and work to the successful development of the Society, and I wish you many more years of fruitful academic work.

            Please accept my expressions of respect


                                                                                         Polish Philosophical Society

                                                                                         (Prof. Dr Tadeusz Kotarbiński)