
Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.07.1962

Claremont Colleges Faculty House

Claremont, California


24 July 1962


            Dear Roman, I’m writing without much hope that this letter will find you in Cracow: you’ve probably returned from Yugoslavia, but are you spending your holiday in Rabka or Zakopane?

            Our stay in the States is coming to an end. You were right when you wrote that we’d be fine in Princeton. The small house provided to us during our stay by the Institute for Advanced Study was extremely pleasant and comfortable (it was near Koyré’s house, but when we arrived in the first days of May, he was already gone). We spent 7 weeks there. The conditions for library work were excellent. However, all of this – academic, practical, and living conditions – is just as good in Berkeley, where I’ve spent the last two months of my stay. Here, too, we have a furnished flat, which is incomparably more comfortable and cheaper. At the moment I’m finishing a 2-week trip to southern California; I had lectures here in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and today in Claremont, a really charming place: a very successful trip, a beautiful country and the people probably even more hospitable than in other parts of America. Schneider drove us yesterday into the beautiful mountains here; tomorrow to the ocean, and then we return.

            Your stay in the States has left a lasting impression; many colleagues remember it. Today, in the discussion following the lecture (about the summons of art to know the world), they asked what your view was on this matter. And after the lecture, your translator talked to me; she said she’d already finished the first volume of Controversy.

            Before leaving the country, I asked the staff of the aesthetics faculty to organise lectures for the Polish Philosophical Society section, as I’d already mentioned to you earlier in any case. Ms Zwolińska demonstrated her good will and probably had the information to do a good job, because she has significant connections in artistic spheres; but in the end she told me that she hadn’t been able to communicate with you, she hadn’t heard anything from you, and without that she naturally didn’t want to initiate anything. It’s really too bad.

            We have a ticket for a ship sailing to Italy 31.VIII; we want to stay for a few weeks in Italy, probably in Venice, and at the end of September we should be in Warsaw. I’ll take up work on Fr Tischner’s paper right away.

            Just in case (if, for example, you have something to be arranged in the States) I’m giving you the address: 2525 Piedmont Ave. , Berkeley, Calif. Valid until 20.VIII.

                                                        Best regards for both of you from both of us
