Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 05.07.1968
Roman Ingarden
Temporary address: Rabka, ul. Dietla 1
c/o Ms H. Romanowska
Rabka, 5 July 68
Dear Władysław,
I’ve just received your letter from Stasin. I’m staying this year with Ms Gierulanka’s cousin, but only until 20 July. I was too late for Stasin. There’s nothing in Zakopane either; anyway, it’s not very pleasant under the Peaks, especially since the Polish Academy of Sciences[O1] company doesn’t suit me very well.
I wrote to Prof. Harrell in Zürich in May and asked for her article on ‘Aristotle’s Poetics’, which would be the only one I’d have in English as of now. The fact that it appeared in A Journal of Aesthetics[O2] shouldn’t be an obstacle. Other articles on aesthetics are presently being translated in London and are to appear in Clarendon Press[O3] , but not until next year. Moreover, I suggested translation of a dissertation on content and form from Volume II of Studia Estetyczne [Aesthetic Studies], but it’s extensive, so I don’t know whether it’ll be possible, even though I’m counting on it appearing in some foreign language.
As for Studia Estetyczne, this is a difficult matter. I think that the censors would hound any journal I published to the point that nothing would come of it. I know, moreover, that a volume prepared by Morawski, dedicated to the anniversary of the October Revolution, is supposed to appear. I doubt that it will be allowed to appear with Morawski as editor, whereas I wouldn’t want to undertake a volume of that kind, especially not as the first thing edited by myself. It’s not out of the question that I’ll be in Warsaw in August; we can talk about it more then. I talked here to Stróżewski, but he’s associated with Znak [Sign], where he seems to be earning a good salary. Gołaszewska is too frivolous, and cares too much about her career, to be entrusted with this venture. However, she may become a professor of aesthetics in Warsaw, because they’ll give that to her there sooner than here, where she’s encountered constant resistance for a long time.
I wish you a good holiday and send cordial greetings to you and your wife
Your Roman
[O1]Polska wersja zawiera nieprzetłumaczalny kalambur (Pan-owe towarzystwo) – chyba to odniesienie do PAN
[O2]właśc. British Journal of Aesthetics
[O3]Oryg: Claredon, właśc. Clarendon