Attachment to letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 30.09.1952
Mścisław Wartenberg /1868-1938/ Polish philosopher. He came from the Wielkopolska region, obtained a doctorate in Jena, was an associate professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and from 1907 until his death a professor of philosophy at the University of Lviv. He was an outstanding expert in Kant’s philosophy, cf. university lectures on Kant’s ethics /in the years 1911/12/ Kants Theorie der Kausalitat, L899, / introduction to Kant’s “Critique of Practical Reason”/. As part of systematic philosophy, he mainly dealt with the issue of causality /Das problem der Wirkens und die monistische Weltanschauung, 1902/ and other issues of metaphysics /including a beautiful dissertation on time 1916/ and tried to justify it /cf. In defense of metaphysics 1902/