
Letter to Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz written 9/22/1949

Cracow, 22/9/1949

My Dear Friend.

A few days ago I sent 276 zlotys (two hundred seventy-six zlotys) to your address. This is the balance following the liquidation of Studia Philosophica’s account, no. 2700 in the local PKKO (which no longer exists), which was still left over from the days when the editorial office was in Cracow. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to send you this small sum earlier. I couldn’t send it to your account in PKKO in Poznań, as I suppose that it, too, no longer exists, and I didn’t know where you had the money now, i.e. where the account for Studies is.

Over the past few days, I got the news that the Polish Philosophical Society had received the first instalment of its subsidy for the current year. In light of this, I suppose that Studia will now get under way, provided there are no other obstacles. Have you handed the volume over to the censors yet? In that case, is it still possible to send a paper? I’ll be finishing one small bit of work (from years ago) and at some point I could give it to Studies; however, I’d still have to translate it into French or English. Does Studia refund the cost of translation? This would be an article about ‘Conditional Judgement’; would you prefer it in French or in English? Please kindly let me know.

I’d also be grateful if you could send me an article for Quarterly ‒ perhaps the one you once offered me, but then didn’t send? In any case, I’d like to have something that, with regard to external considerations, I could print without difficulty.

I also think it would be a good thing if you could come to the Academy with a lecture. Best would be at the Department of History and Philosophy. The secretary there is Rector Dąbrowski (the director is Heinrich) but I think it’d be all right as well at the Philosophical Commission (of which I’m the secretary, and Tatarkiewicz the president). I don’t think it’s a good thing that nobody really knows you at the Academy.


That’s all for now. Cordial greetings and a few words in reply, please. How did you spend your holiday? Is everybody well at your place?