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Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 14.12.1957

Archive Archive KUL
Date of creation 14.12.1957
Related places Cracow
Reference code in archive Rkp_200A
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter

Rkp 20017

Roman Ingarden
Cracow 2. Biskupia 14

Cracow, 14/12/57

            Dear Most Honourable Professor,

                       First of all, I’d like to thank you for offering me, some time ago, your latest book, which I read with interest, but for which I haven’t thanked you yet, for which I apologise.

            Secondly, thank you for inviting me to collaborate on the Memorial Book for the late Professor J. Kleiner. I’d gladly take advantage of this invitation, especially since Prof. Kleiner and myself were linked by close personal and academic relations. However, I have so many different papers in progress that I’m afraid that I won’t be able to meet my commitments and would prefer to say straight away that it will probably be impossible for me. Moreover, it’s not easy to write about Kleiner’s philosophical and methodological achievements in 20 pages and would require various preparatory studies, which would then have to be synthesised. Perhaps Ms Skwarczyńska can do better than I can (concerning Kleiner) as a researcher of literature.

With the approaching holidays, I send best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and attach expressions[O1]  of true respect and cordial greetings

                                                                                               /signature/ Roman Ingarden



[O1]Oryg: wurazy zamiast wyrazy