

Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 21.01.1961

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 25.03.1953

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 03.12.1964

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 14.03.1963

Letter to Mieczysław Wallis written 16.10.1964

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 21.08.1952 A

Letter to the National Scientific Publishers written 20.05.1964

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 28.02.1953

Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 04.10.1962

Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 23.01.1953

Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 12.02.1952

Letter from Hanna Malewska written n/d