Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 09.04.1960
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 9 April 60
Dear Władysław,
I returned to Cracow on 26 March and wanted to write to you right away, but didn’t have your address. Only yesterday Iza Dąmbska gave it to me, but I had Ayer, who was invited to Cracow to the Society without any question as to whether we liked it or not, on my mind. Ultimately it ended well. But it’s only now that I have the time to write to you.
Apparently you’ve had various health problems, but now it’s all right and you’re back home; I hope, then, that now it’s all over and you’re returning to normal life. I’m happy about that, although I’m very sorry that you had these problems, with the result that we didn’t see each other in Paris, where I enjoyed myself for about three weeks.
I’d be grateful if you’d write me a few lines about the state of your health and about various details of your academic work. Is the History of aesthetics already being printed? And when can it be expected? And what do you hear about the Aesthetic Yearbook?
I’ve gotten back on the lecture treadmill again; I now have 9 hours of lectures and seminars per week, which takes a great deal of my time. In Paris I wrote a lecture for the congress in Athens, but only finished it here, since, during the last days of my stay in Paris, I received 400 galleys of corrections on the second edition of Das literarische Kunstwerk. I then spent three days in Tübingen and continued to make corrections there. I expect that the book will appear before the summer holidays. The details are a bit different in than the Polish edition, which I found ready here. Apart from that, I have to finish an article about Husserl for Castelli, because he asked me for one.
I should be in Warsaw on Monday, but I probably won’t go, because I have very little time, and I have a lecture Tuesday morning at 8 am. Thus I don’t know when I’ll make the trip to Warsaw. I was there for a few hours to turn in my passport, but didn’t have time to go see anybody, nor did I know where you live. I’d be grateful, then, if you wouldn’t mind writing a few lines. I greatly regret that the two of you no longer live in Cracow, because due to the nature of things we’re going to see each other less often.
Soon it’ll be Easter, so I attach best wishes from my wife and myself for a peaceful Easter for both of you
Cordial greetings
/signature/ Your Roman