
Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 05.07.1935

5.VII 1935
Honoured and Dear Professor:
I finished (L.K.) 2 days ago and moved on to Gegenstand . Generally, now I will start living as a parasite in your philosophical interior, as I did with Kotarbiński a year ago. K [otarbiński] is to write a review of my “chief work” [“hauptwerk”] (using F. Goetel’s style). Before that, he absorbed 200 and over [pages] of my manuscripts, containing criticism of his reism and materialism. Although we are friends, I get cold feet: I have awoken the lion from a long nap: he is roaring and wagging his tail: what will it lead to? I immediately found in (G) mutual accusations against K[otarbiński], which I was very happy about. In mid-July I will be in Z[akopane] and I will stay there for sure (if at all, etc.) until the end of VIII [August], and maybe IX [September]. So I will struggle there with you and Whitehead at the same time. I have corrected the popular monadology and written an “essay” about causation – that’s all. I sent Twardowski my “hauptwerk” and received a cold-polite confirmation – I am not demanding anything from anyone – it only gives me relative peace, and as I am always prepared for the worst, I welcome every “smile of fortune” as a wonderful surprise. I wish to do two imaginative-caricatural compositions entitled “Ingarden und seine Rose” and “Ingarden seine rote (transcendente) Kugel in der linken Hand holtend”. Troutispice to criticize your vies.

I enclose words of deep respect and affection,
        n                  Witkacy