Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 01.03.1925
Toruń, 1/3/1925.
Most Honourable Professor!
First of all, please kindly accept my best wishes for health and all manner of prosperity, as well as fruitful work, on your approaching Name Day! I suppose that perhaps next year I’ll be able to offer my wishes in person. This year I still have to content myself with the written variety.
At the same time I’m sending a report for [Philosophical] Movement on Mr Mysłakowski’s book, and I apologise for its being delayed by several days. But a wave of assignments to be corrected prevented me, at nearly the last moment, from finishing this review. Perhaps it’s a bit too long for Movement, but unfortunately I couldn’t be more succinct. And even so, I had to make many claims without justifying them in greater detail. But Polish dissertations appear so seldom that whenever there’s an opportunity to discuss one of them, I want to do so as accurately as possible. If it turns out that it’s too long for Movement, I’ll ask you politely to graciously send back the article or send the first proofs, so I can try to somehow operate on the report by cutting out certain paragraphs, even if doing so is painful. However, I’d be very grateful to you for printing the report in its current form.
Given this opportunity, I’d like to find out whether any issues of Movement have come out since summer of last year, as it’s not out of the question that an issue was lost in the post. The last issue I received was No. 4-5-6 of Volume VIII.
Finally, I fervently ask for forgiveness; contrary to my original intention and to what I had written in my last letter, I didn’t send the sum of 4 zlotys last week. At the last moment, a more significant and unexpected expense came up, which took so much money out of my pocket just before the 1st of the month that my finances were in a very precarious state afterwards. Tomorrow I’ll send you the sum I owe you via transfer; once again I apologise for the unintentional delay.
I enclose expressions of my most profound esteem and respect
Roman Ingarden
I’ve been notified about the new dues for the Philos. Soc.; of course I’m still a member of the Society. However, I’ll send the money only next month, because I have other significant expenses now. –