Letter from Jan Maria Bocheński written 28.08.1957
Honorable Professor!
v I have just received a nice and precious gift – your translation of “Critique”. Thank you very much! Looking through the volumes I can see that you gave a lot of explanations and created many “Kantian” terms in Polish. When I return to Kant – in three years, God willing – I will be one of those who read Professor’s translation in full – and I am already looking forward to the many benefits this reading is sure to bring be. Thank you in advance.
v I infer from the preface that you have not used Kemp Smith’s commentary; in my humble opinion it is the best among the existing ones, or at least the best one known to me. Or maybe you have a different opinion? If that were the case, I would be very grateful if you could confirm my guess.
v Once again, my genuine thanks and deepest respect
Jan Bocheński