Letter to the Polish Academy of Science written 05.03.1969
Professor Roman Ingarden
Krakow, Biskupia 14 v v v v v Krakow, March 5, 1969
International Scientific Cooperation Office, Faculty I of the PAS
Palace of Culture 23F, room 2305
v v Thank you for the telegram moving my date of departure. Unfortunately, the dates of readings in Amsterdam – March 10, 12 and 13 – cannot be moved, because this is the end of the semester and holiday begins on the 15th. If I cannot leave Warsaw on the eighth or, at the latest, the ninth of March, I will have to give up my trip to Amsterdam. Would it be possible to postpone the date for the spring semester? Anyway, I will have to notify Amsterdam via telegraph by Friday, March 7. No reason for postponing the trip was provided: whether the passport would not be ready, whether the Canadian or US visa would not be ready (I had a telegram from Amsterdam that I will receive the Dutch visa on Monday (available at the Dutch Embassy on March 3). In case the issue of the American visas is impossible to settle on time, I will be giving up on my trip to Canada (resp. USA) and limiting my trip to Amsterdam. In such case I must notify the Orbis Foreign Office in Warsaw as soon as possible that the paid cabin on the United States ship on March 20 from Bremerhafen should be canceled (I would have to be in Bremen on the 19th).
v Therefore, I am asking you for a return message via telegraph about the state of affairs, so that I can notify both Orbis and Amsterdam in time of a delay or my inability to leave.
v Sincerely
(prof. Roman Ingarden)
full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences