Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 23.07.1937
Freiburg i.B., Schöneck 6
Dear Friend,
I immediately read your short yet highly educational essay on transformations etc., which was, as usual, splendidly precise. The editor is correct! Are you going to travel to Paris? May we expect you then? We would welcome you with open arms. My wife coordinated the move wonderfully, while I was shipped off to Breitnau in Hinterzarten.87 You would be amazed how great our new home above the city is (it is located on Schlossberg hill). Here, I am hoping to restore my health (I have been dealing with various health problems since the beginning of the year), which made it impossible for me to work continuously. Therefore, I was unable to deliver the second article! I must have been overly productive in recent years.
Your old friend,
E. Husserl