
Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 25.11.1931

Freiburg i.Br., 25.XI.1931

Dear Friend,

            Two lines – stante pede – in response to your wonderful letter. How grateful I am for such friendship and lenity. The latter was much needed after the unjust clumsy behavior on my part. But please understand – you are more to me than other “students”, even the ones whom I consider close friends of mine. Our friendship, this close and personal relationship, can never be broken, regardless of whether you comprehend and adopt the deepest, revolving meaning of const[itutive] phenomenology or not. But your philosophical future – your intellect and its great possibilities, are also close to my heart, because I also appreciate you more than others in this way! If only you knew how happy I am in these final years of research, because in the last moment, everything fits together so wonderfully, and the systematic lines proceed in such unparalleled ways to the highest and last questions. And why should you not take part in this before everyone else, in this infinity of discoveries, while such great and even greater things are foreshadowed and need to be addressed!? Hence, the fear that you, as my close friend with your skill level, could miss out on that.

            Anyway, I am currently very busy and have to go.

Cordially yours,

E. Husserl