Letter from Irena Krońska written in 10.04.1967
National Scientific Publishers PWN
v Library of the Classics of Philosophy
PWN Warsaw Miodowa St. 10 tel. 26-22-91
Warsaw, 3/4/1967
Prof. Roman Igarden
Biskupia St. 14
Honorable Professor,
c We write to inform you of an error that was made in preparing the distribution list for E. Husserl’s Ideas for a pure phenomenology. According to the agreements, Professor should receive 3 copies of this work: one for the introduction, the other for editing, and the third as a member of the Editorial Board of the LCP, instead you have received 6 copies: 3 from the PWN branch and 3 from the magazine of gratis products in Warsaw.
c As a result, we must kindly ask you to return the surplus of books to the editorial office.
Apologizing for any inconvenience I might have caused. c Head Editor
My deepest respect c c c c c c c c c c I Krońska
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Irena Krońska