Postcard from Stefan Morawski written 12.08.1967
Dear Professor,
n Thank you for the postcard. I regret that you will not be present at the exam. But from a formal point of view it does not matter. However, your presence as an “outsider” (Krakow) will be required at the defense. However, there is a way to resolve that as well – please kindly write to the Dean’s Office and inform them that you will be abroad and therefore you cannot attend … that will be enough.
n I have already received the volume for prof. T. You will probably get the copies before his departure.
n I wish you all the best for your stay abroad (in your case, any talk about success would be a pleonasm or tactless, because that is sure and understandable).
Cordial greetings and bows
n SMorawski
P.S. My wife asked to give you her thanks for the greetings and send you ones of her own. Piotr G. is devastated by your review. It should do him good, but it is a shame he cannot contact you right now. He will send you his answer in December.
St. Morawski
Prof. |