Letter from Anna Teresa Tymieniecka written 09.02.1969
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Philosophy
v Dearest Professor,
v I think that all the arrangements have been successfully made, because the Polish embassy in Washington promised to intervene to speed up the formalities.
v In a few days you will receive the program and see!!! This time when you come from XXX to New York, we ask you to spend the time before Congress a tour place in Washington, from where we will travel to Waterloo together. At the Library of Congress here, you are certain to find everything you could ever want.
v As for your presentation – you had first promised 50 min.
v Passive Konstitution by Husserl. I have already sent the program into print with the other topic you gave me, but that’s okay. Whatever topic you choose, we will put it down in the final program.
v Thank you very much for the congratulations. Indeed, it is an exciting life, but I am completely exhausted by all of it (+ additional lectures) – it is as if I were leading 3 lives at once and not one ordinary!
Best regards and words of honest respect for you both, deeply loving
Thank you very much for the 2nd (?!) copy of “Das Lit. Kunstwerk”, but I never received Husserl’s letters or any of Professor’s other books!
From the papers I am expecting to receive from Poland, the one that will be presented at the Congress is the one that talks about you the most. (For now, I included Półtawski in the program, but something can always change) Most importantly – all will be published.