Letter from Anna Teresa Tymieniecka written 21.03.1969
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Faculty of Arts
Department of Philosophy
March 21, 1969
Professor R. Ingarden
Biskupia 14 M. 15
Krakow, Poland
Dear Professor Ingarden,
I hope that you have made already your final travel arrangments for coming to the conference and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. The conference seems to be very prominising as a major occasion given to Husserl scholars to exchange their views concerning their current research.
It seemed also to some of us that it offers a unique stimulus for providing for the continuity of such exchange. Although various small groups of people interested in Phenomenology did occasionally meet, there has never been an opportunity given in this field, at a larger scale, for reunion of scholars from various countries to meet together and exchange the results of their scholarly works. We have thought therefore of this reunion as an appropriate occasion for establishing an
Such a society would gather scholars concerned chiefly with Husserl research — but marginally – also with Phenomenology research related to Husserl. It could meet every two or three years for purpose of exchanging the results of their work (of a size 40 to 120 pages) by issuing a Year Book devoted to this purpose.
In view of the widespread interest in Phenomenlogy in general, the formation of such a nucleous of fundamental research work appears imperative. Its international composition would greatly contribute to overcoming the limitations of regional confinement which leads e. g. to the situation where young scholars work in isolation and are ignorant of similar work which has been already done in another country, and thus preclude the real progress in the field.
I would be most interested to hear your reaction to this proposal.
Would you be willing to take part in the organization commitee for the inauguration of the society?
Would you have comments to make about this idea?
I would be most happy to hear from you about it at your earliest convenience.
Hoping for your active collaboration, I remain with best regards,
T. Tymieniecka
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Professor of Philosophy
ATT: jl