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Letter from Henryk Jabłoński written 27.07.1963

Date of creation 27.07.1963
Related places Warsaw
Reference code in archive K_III-26_92
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Field philosophy

SECRETARY OF SCIENCE               v                 COPY                   v             Warsaw, 27 July 1963
of the Polish Academy of Sciences

According to the distribution list

regarding delivering addresses, presentations and lectures abroad.


v   The rapid development of international scientific and cultural contacts makes it necessary to deliver addresses, presentations and lectures abroad as well as to submit scientific papers for publication abroad by the older as well as, in greater numbers, by the younger scientific employees. This phenomenon should be considered positive and worthy of support. At the same time, the steady increase in this form of international contacts imposes increased responsibilities on the management bodies of the Academy.
v   Therefore, in order to ensure the appropriate scientific level of these studies and to safeguard state and professional secrets, scientific workers employed at the Polish Academy of Sciences who intend to deliver an address, a presentation or a lecture abroad or intend to submit their scientific papers for publication there should exercise particular diligence and care in their proper preparation and obtain the approval of the facility head to present or submit their studies.
v   Scientific works of Polish scholars intended for submission or presentation at congresses and conventions of international unions should also be the subject of special care of the presidencies of relevant scientific committees fulfilling the functions of national committees.
v   The record of all of the aforementioned studies should be kept at the institutions employing respective scientists intending to submit or present their study abroad.
v   I am hence asking my Comrades Directors / Heads of the facilities of the Academy to familiarize all employees of the facility with the contents of this letter.


Henryk Jabłoński

Certified true copy: