
Letter from Henryk Markiewicz written 20.09.n/d

Cracow 20/9.

   c        Most Honoured Professor,

here is a list of the German papers by Z. Łempicki of which I’m aware. Perhaps it’d be worth supplementing it with a proposal to translate the most important of his theoretical papers written in Polish (‘W sprawie uzasadnienia poetyki czystej’ [On the justification of pure poetics], ‘Teoria ewolucji w historii literatury’ [Theory of evolution in the history of literature], ‘Literatura, poezja, życie’ [Literature, poetry, life], ‘Zagadnienie stylu’ [The issue of style], and ‘Twórca i dzieło w poezji’ [The creator and the work in poetry]).

 c        I looked into the Polish translation of Bergson’s Laughter, from 1902: there’s no mention of the translator’s name at all! But in Brzozowski’s bibliography (Korbut, Czachowski) they don’t mention this item.

I enclose expressions of profound respect

Henryk Markiewicz