Letter from Irena Krońska written in 06.09.1962
v NATIONAL v v Warsaw, 9/6/1962
SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS PWN Miodowa St. 10, tel. 622-91
Editorial Office of the “Dictionary of Philosophers”
L.dz. Prof.
v Roman Ingarden
v v v v v v v v v v Krakow
v Honorable Professor! v v v v v Biskupia 14
v I would like to kindly remind you that the deadline set in the contract for your submission of the entries for the “Dictionary of Philosophers” has already passed. The lack of this material is holding up all other editorial work on the “Dictionary”, in which groups of entries must be developed together. Therefore, I kindly ask you to deliver the promised items by October 31, 1962.
v Awaiting your gracious reply confirming receipt of the present letter and the deadline set herein,
My deepest respect and cordial greetings
v Editor Resp.
v I Kronska
/Irena Krońska/