Letter from Irena Sławińska written 31.01.1959
31 January 59
Most Honoured Professor,
I’ve learned from Wentraub[O1] that you’ll soon be in America! Very nice news! At Harvard I talked about it with Prof. Prof. Poggroli [O2] and H. Levin, whose invitation has most likely already reached you. I mentioned as well to Prof. Wellek someone who is evidently a close friend of yours. Wellek is asking if you wouldn’t mind writing to him, once your possible arrival date has been more or less set (Professor Rene Wellek, Yale Univ. Graduate School, Room 223, Park Street, New Haven, Conn., USA). Apart from that, Wellek is asking whether you can speak English, and I didn’t know how to answer him.
I’m sending you [O3] Prof. S. Langer’s little book and the text of my own paper – did all of it reach you? I would be v. grateful for any rectification nec. in my own text; I’m supposed to speak on a similar topic at the Univ. of Wisconsin in spring (‘Literary Scholarship in Poland’), and I’d like to avoid errors. – A young Italian, Aldo Tagliaferri, who is preparing an article about your theory of lit., will be writing to you shortly ‒ meanwhile, I’m sending him a bibliography and the text of my paper.
I will be at Yale until 20 March. I’d be very happy if you came to Yale, so that I could serve as your guide.
With expressions of the highest respect
and best greetings
Irena Sławińska
[O1]Chyba Wiktor Weintraub (ortografia)
[O2]Powtarzanie Prof. to błąd w oryginalnym. Nazwisko powinna być Poggioli
[O3]może przesłałam [?] I sent you [?]