Letter from Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz written 13.02.1953
Poznań, 13/2/53
Dear Roman!
Thank you very much for your letter, with its expressions of sympathy concerning the death of my brother Wiktor. The poor man died of a stroke in complete solitude, with no close friends or family members by his side. For all of us, his death came unexpectedly.
I greatly regret not seeing you during my last stay in Cracow. I’m afraid that our only chance to meet will most likely be the meetings of the Classics Committee, to which, from time to time, I receive invitations. I’m very sorry that the director of the Institute of Philosophy of UW, under whose patronage the December Conference of logicians will take place, didn’t agree to send an invitation to you or to Tatarkiewicz. I’m convinced that you’d have contributed something that would’ve enlivened the miserable discussion held there and made it fruitful.
The first volume of Studia Logica is going to the censors about now, and subsequently to press. We’re preparing material for Volume II, which has already been collected in part from papers that had not been finished at the deadline for their placement in Volume I or from those that we sent back to be rewritten. We’re now appealing to all of our colleagues to submit articles for Volume II and beyond. In this connection, I’m asking you to please reinforce our Studies with some kind of paper with logic-related content. I suspect you’ve got quite a few things thought out in various fields of logic and that you could prepare something without any great difficulty. Maybe about the science of meaning, maybe the science of definition, of classification, maybe the theory of induction? Since Studia L. is an organ of the Institute of Philosophy of UW, every article accepted for printing by the Editorial Board additionally requires the approval of the Director of the Institute. It follows that articles must be of a ‘technical’ nature and must not allude, through either its content or method, to XXX for the management of the Institute, philosophical trends.[O1] Nevertheless, I think you can manage to write something along those lines. Wouldn’t, e.g. the paper on translation which you once read at a meeting of the Classics Committee ‒ generalised, of course, so as not to apply exclusively to translations of philosophical works ‒ be suitable?
I beg you to decide if you might be able to send us some kind of paper for the second edition volumes XXX.[O2] The deadline for submission of papers for Volume II is 1 May of the current year.
You ask in your letter whether it’s true that I’ve become Chairman of the War Nat. Council in Poznań. Fortunately I’m neither the chairman nor a member of the Nat. Council. However, in September ’52 I was assigned to the war council of the national front committee. In November I submitted my resignation in writing, but so far have received no response. In any case, I’m not performing any functions. – I attach cordial greetings
Your Kazimierz
[O1]Brakujące słowa mają wpływ na cały zdanie, więc nie wiem dokładnie jak to tłumaczyć. Może ma być to philosophical trends, which are anathema to the management of the Institute lub coś podobnego
[O2]kolejność bez tekstu XXX jest niejasna