Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 20.06.1937
In Lviv 20/6/37
Honoured Colleague!
After reflection and thought, I’ve arrived at the conviction that it’s unacceptable that dissertations in one and the same foreign language, placed in one and the same volume of Studia Philosophica, were not treated in one and the same manner in typographical terms. Thus the dissertations of Mehlberg[O1] and Fr Michalski[O2] must be completely consistent in terms of font selection, i.e. the use of italics, small caps, letterspacing, etc. If, however, it’s a question of dissertations in different languages, it’s possible to permit differences in terms of typography. Several examples that I have at home confirm me in this conviction. If any questions or difficulties result from the position I’ve now taken, I’ll be happy to help.
I enclose expressions of genuine esteem and cordial greetings
K. Twardowski
[O1]Henryk Mehlberg (1904‒79)
[O2]Konstanty Michalski (1879‒1947)