Letter from Roman Suszko written 15.02.1965
POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES c c Warsaw, 11/15/1965
Warsaw, Staszic Palace, Nowy Świat 70
Prof. Roman INGARDEN
K R A K O W,
Biskupia St. 14 apt. 15
The next /eleventh/ conference of the Thematic Group of the history of logic will be held in Krakow on April 23, 24 /Friday, Saturday/.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to prepare for this conference a paper, address or information in any other form regarding your interests in this field. I would be obliged if you could send in a short abstract containing a few lines describing the contribution by March 15 of this year to Prof. Tadeusz Czeżowski, Toruń, University of M. Copernicus, as the organizer of the conference. The conference program and more detailed information about it will be sent to participants after the initial exploration of the discussion material.
Head of the Department of Logic
/Prof. Roman Suszko/