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Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 02.09.1935

Date of creation 2.09.1935
Related places Warsaw, Zakopane
Reference code in archive ARI
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Subject matter personal issues, travel


2.IX 1935       NP [= NS (no smoking)] NΠ [= ND (no drinking)] NΠπ 13 [= NDB  no drinking beer] [13 days]


Honoured and Dear Professor,

Your letter was sent back to W[arsaw]. I will write in detail from Lithuania. There was a lot of confusion here. Now, I thank you most sincerely for the words of encouragement and perhaps the impression of friendship. I am very grateful to you for everything. Also [sic] meine schönen Ingardentage zu Zakopane haben ihr Ende gefunden. I remember these times with regret. Es bleibt mir nur eine Ergänzungsfestschrift zu Schreiben und sich der ordinären Tagung zu ergeben.
I enclose the words of deepest respect and friendship for both of you, I greet your progeny
