Postcard from Stefan Morawski written 29.06.1967
Dear Professor, our correspondence has gotten crossed. After sending the postcard, I received your letter from the 26th of this month. I am very sorry for the pressure. I agree with you a hundred percent that this is not right. But I already explained why. Graff has a knife to his throat in an entirely different way from Mrs. Wójcik. He had to be voted through at the last council. Also, please remember that I only kept the Mrs. Wójcik’s work for 3 months. It only reached me after my return from the USA. So I feel “justified” to you.
n I really regret that you cannot give me Bense. Maybe I will make it a two-way discussion with Porębski then. But without your voice it is sure to be an incomplete picture. As for Graff’s dissertation, as I have already written, he did mess up original phenomenology as much as Hartmann’s “Ethics” (Wertfühlen – Wertschau – Sosein versus Geltung) with the sociological and even cybernetic construction of values. There are some very good ideas there, philosophical imagination, independence in stating problems, but there i salso a lack of thoroughness and leaky coherence of argumentation.
Best regards from me and my wife
n n Stefan Morawski