Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 24.03.1934
24.III 1934
Most Honoured Professor.
You have no idea what pleasure your book and letter have given me. Unfortunately, I am extremely bad at letter-writing – it’s the malaise of non-writing, simply. I am currently reading “On the Identity of the Work of Music”. I am making notes and I intend to write something about it and then I will send it to you. What to do – I am a nominalist. – I know Husserl’s Log[ische] Unt[ersuchungen] and Ideen, if I have held on until now, I think I shall die a nominalist. That’s why I would have to elucidate some problems in a completely different way. I am closing now – it is easier for me to write a dissertation than a letter. At the moment, I cannot repay you with my books (I will try to settle this when I’m in W.[arsaw]), so I only promise you a “beautiful” portrait in the event of a meeting. I have begun to read the vol[ume] of Tatarkiewicz, but I have to scribble over a book thoroughly and write a Privatsach.register – without it – there’s no use. I’ll be reading yours immediately when I’m done with the other one. I am now writing about logistics for a presentation in the Philosophical Society in W [in Warsaw]. The logisticians themselves encouraged me to do so.
I enclose words of deep respect, affection, and gratitude,
n n n n n n n Witkacy
I must admit that I had barely deciphered your letter.